hai :3

this is our collective tumblr! but different alters have their own tumblr blogs, check out their hub! its most used by the host!!

we have lots alters (we have fragments as well, fully fledged alters have whole hubs)

we like splatoon, batman, nnsg, coroika, homestuck... lots of things!! but some of us have differing interests so be warned :3

i am going to try to make this website cool i swear! i am at the very very beginnings of learning html ;o;

the doors below lead to alter's hubs!! click them to enter their website xD (BIGGGG WIP... we are working on it :P)

the RSS feed updates for ALL of the hubs! if its requested i can make indivual feeds but like. it was kinda a lot to make one soooo.... but i will make more if they're popular ;o_o

all blinkies on this site (excluding the socials ones xd) aren't made by me and are free to download :3

Tumblr Blinkie

Cohost Blinkie

RSS feed icon



Jonathan's Website

most unironic website

A trophy that says '1k'
A button that says Cynthia tested with an image of a womanA yellow button with a black smiley face that says ''Have a smile!''Guestbook button